Legal advice and privacy policy


In compliance with the obligations set forth in Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce Services (LSSI-CE), the owner of this website (hereinafter the “provider”) provides users with the following information:

Company name: INDISSOLUBLE S.L. Registered Office: Carrer Pujades, 130 – Barcelona (08005). Spain.

Tax ID No. (NIF) ES-B60557659 Tel: (+34) 934 121 075  email:


Any person accessing this website assumes the role of user, undertaking to strictly observe and comply with the provisions set forth herein, as well as any other legal provision that may be applicable.

INDISSOLUBLE S.L. reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website, without any obligation to notify in advance or inform users about said obligations, with publication on the provider’s website understood to be sufficient.


INDISSOLUBLE S.L. is exempt from any type of liability derived from the information published on its website, provided that this information has been handled or introduced by a third party.

INDISSOLUBLE S.L. is not liable for the information and content stored on, by way of example but not limited to, forums, chats, blog, comments, social media or any other means that allows third parties to publish content independently on the provider’s website. However, and in compliance with the provisions of articles 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, the provider is at the disposal of all users, authorities and security forces, collaborating actively in the withdrawal or, where appropriate, blocking of all content that may affect or contravene national or international legislation, the rights of third parties or decency and public order. If the user considers that any content on the website may be classified in this way, we ask that they notify the website administrator immediately.

This website has been reviewed and tested to work properly. However, the provider does not rule out the possibility of certain programming errors, or that there may be cases of force majeure, natural disasters, strikes or similar circumstances that make it impossible to access the website.


INDISSOLUBLE S.L. is fully committed to complying with Spanish personal data protection regulations and guarantees full compliance with the established obligations as well as the implementation of security measures set forth in the Spanish Law on Personal Data Protection (LOPD), the implementing regulations of the LOPD and the EU GDPR 679/2016 which can be consulted in our PRIVACY POLICY.

The only place on our website where personal data is collected is the contact form, which is used by users to ask any questions or resolve any doubts. By entering data into this form the user agrees to the processing of their data by the provider in order to resolve doubts and to receive electronic commercial communications.


The features of the website, including but not limited to, its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, designs, logos, text and/or graphics, are the property of the provider or, where appropriate, have been licensed or authorized expressly by the authors.

Regardless of the purpose for which it was intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and marketing of the website requires in all cases prior written authorization from INDISSOLUBLE S.L. Any use not previously authorized by the provider will be considered a serious breach of the intellectual or industrial property rights of the author.

The designs, logos, text and/or graphics not owned by the provider and that may appear on the website, belong to their respective owners, who are themselves responsible for any possible dispute that may arise with respect thereof. In all cases, the provider has the express and prior authorization of said owners.

To report any possible breaches of intellectual or industrial property rights, or comment on any of the content of the website, you can send an email to the email address that appears at the beginning of this Legal Notice.


For the resolution of all disputes or issues related to this website or the activities developed therein, Spanish legislation will apply, to which the parties expressly submit.



INDISSOLUBLE S.L., as the owner of the website that you are visiting and the Data Controller of the User’s personal data, guarantees compliance with current regulations on personal data protection (LOPD), with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, and with the Law on Information Society Services and E-Commerce (LSSICE or LSSI), providing the following information on processing:

Purpose of processing: to maintain a commercial relationship with the User.

This privacy policy establishes the method for and provides the necessary information on the management and processing of personal data collected on this website. The user must read and accept it before continuing to browse.



The access and use of this website by anyone under 18 years of age is prohibited unless they are duly authorized. INDISSOLUBLE S.L. assumes that from the moment a minor accesses this website, they have the permission of their parents, tutor or legal guardian.

INDISSOLUBLE S.L. informs users that there are software programs available for restricting browsing by filtering or blocking certain content.


Personal data is required from users when they request information, contact us, subscribe to our newsletters and/or carry out commercial or business operations with INDISSOLUBLE S.L. Failure to provide the requested personal data or not accepting this data protection policy means that it is impossible to respond to the requests made by the data subject or for them to subscribe to our newsletters.


The data that we request at all times is appropriate, relevant and strictly necessary for the purpose for which it is collected. As a user, you declare that all the data that you send or provide through these forms is true, accurate and relevant for the purpose for which it has been requested. The information you provide will be used for the purposes described below depending on the form or section that you access:

  1. For the purposes that we indicate specifically in each of the pages where the electronic registration, contact, consultation or similar form appears.
  2. To respond to your requests and inform you about our services, orders or any type of request you make through any of the contact forms on our website.
  3. To allow our users to subscribe to our publications, news or blog.
  4. To analyse statistics for commercial purposes.
  5. To send our own commercial communications related to our products, services, news or promotions, by email, post or telephone, as well as those of companies that collaborate with INDISSOLUBLE, S.L. These third parties will never have access to your personal data, and these communications will always be about products and services related to our sector.
  6. To enable users to follow INDISSOLUBLE S.L. on social networks that link to our website. In this regard we inform you that the processing of your personal data within the domain of these social networks will be governed by their own privacy policies, so the exercise of rights by INDISSOLUBLE S.L. will be limited to those

allowed by the social network in question. Therefore, we recommend that you review the conditions of use and privacy policies of these social networks before following our profiles on them.


Your data will be processed with the utmost confidentiality by all our collaborators and employees at all stages of the services we provide, and it will be used exclusively for the purposes we have indicated above.

Your data will be kept for the time required to carry out the entrusted task, as well as to comply with current legislation. If you agree to receive commercial communications from INDISSOLUBLE S.L., your data will be kept for as long as you do not requests its erasure.

INDISSOLUBLE S.L. guarantees that your data will not be transferred or communicated to any third party, except when legally required or when said transfer is permitted by law or is essential for fulfilling the service requested and/or contracted. For all other cases we will request your express authorization.

We do not carry out international transfers of data outside the European Union.


If you provide us with the personal data of third parties, you declare that you have been authorized by those parties to provide their data, and that you have informed them previously of the content of this privacy policy, especially regarding the company’s contact details and how they can exercise their rights regarding data processing. INDISSOLUBLE S.L. shall not be liable for the data of these third parties that you provide to us. It is exclusively your responsibility to have the authorization of the owners and to provide them with the necessary information about the processing of their data.


You can exercise your rights of access, rectification, portability, erasure, objection and restriction of processing of your data at any time by writing to the registered address of INDISSOLUBLE S.L. or by email at the address on the website, attaching a photocopy of your ID or similar document that allows us to identify you.

You may exercise the following rights:

  1. Right of access, rectification, portability and erasure of data and the restriction or objection to its processing.
  2. Right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, in this case, the Spanish Data Protection Agency, if you consider it appropriate.
  3. Right to withdraw from our subscription services by sending an email to indicating the following in your request: UNSUBSCRIBE.
  4. Right to withdraw the consent given for the processing of personal data. Although this withdrawal of consent will not be retroactive in any case.



By checking the mandatory acceptance boxes in our “Privacy Policy” and “Legal Notice” and by entering data in the fields on our forms, the user expressly, freely and unambiguously accepts that their data is necessary to fulfil their request, declaring that they have been informed of the conditions concerning the protection of personal data and accepting and consenting to the processing thereof by INDISSOLUBLE S.L. in the form and for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy.


INDISSOLUBLE S.L. has adopted all the technical and organizational measures necessary to guarantee the security of the personal data you provide us, thus preventing its alteration, loss, unauthorized access or processing. The user should be aware, however, that security measures on the internet are not one hundred percent secure.


INDISSOLUBLE S.L. may modify this privacy policy to adapt it to any changes that may occur or to new legislation that may be enforced which affect the policies included in this document. As a consequence, we recommend that you review it regularly and that you contact us in case of any doubt or incident by email at or at the postal address and contact numbers that appear on our website.