Numbers and Mankind. Traveling Exhibition

GISME (Interdisciplinary Reflection Group and Math Solutions for Entities)
Barcelona, Spain

How old is the oldest tree? How many people live in the cities? How much would a soccer ball made of gold weigh? How much urine did humans produce last year?
The exhibition, organized by GISME (Interdisciplinary Reflection Group and Math Solutions for Entities) with the collaboration of the Ministry of Economy, FECYT (Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología) and produced by Indissoluble, shows the importance of numbers in all disciplines of human knowledge. Numbers appeared 5000 years ago, even before language and writing. Births, deaths, water and consumed energy, environmental pollution, child literacy or poverty. Worldwide data shown in real time. 40 counters projected on a 20 meter structure show what is happening in the world at this very moment.


A large white wall -11 meters long, 2.8 meters high and 80 cm thick- is the support element of these numerical data that refer to aspects of mobility, demography, cultural diversity or climate change among others.


GISME (Interdisciplinary Reflection Group and Math Solutions for Entities).
January 10th – February 7th 2018

Conceptual design:
Adrià Clapés (GISME)
Direction, production and assembly:
Juan Roberto Vásquez
Project direction:
Paula López
Graphic design:
Juliana Trujillo
Francisco Candel
Tomás Navarro
Technology and multimedia:
Oriol Borrega
Marco Vásquez
Gabriel Betancourt Maestro
Pablo Pariente
Assembly and itinerancy:

Igor Vuleta
Ángel Alcalá
Francisco Alcalá
Salvador Camí
Alejandro Cuñado
Javier Fuertes
Marco Antonio Gallego

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